educational insights progress tracking

A suite of easy-to-use educational reports

From examination result analysis to student surveys - Empowering Smarter Schools with Data-Driven AI Insights.


The Demographics Report forecasts the student population in your area based on official birth records.
Our data covers the USA, UK, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, and Australia.Therefore, the projections and insights provided pertain exclusively to these nations.

One Sample T-test

Example: Benchmarking Your School's Exam Outcomes Against the National Average
To assess the performance of your school, we'll juxtapose your examination results with the national average for comparable tests. This side-by-side comparison will offer useful insights into how your pupils are performing relative to their peers nationwide.

Chi-Squared test

Example query: Is there is a statistically significant association between gender and the selection of advanced courses in subjects like mathematics, science, or humanities.
To answer this query, the Chi-Squared Test for Independence can be employed.

Linear Regression

Example query: To assess the impact of class size on student learning outcomes.
In this scenario, the dependent variable could be a measure of academic achievement, such as test scores, while the independent variable would be the class size. A linear regression model can be fitted to explore the relationship between class size and student achievement.

Question Level Analysis

Question-level analysis (QLA) is a method used in educational settings to evaluate student performance on individual questions or items within an assessment, rather than focusing solely on overall scores.
This granular approach allows educators to identify specific areas of strength and weakness for both individual students and groups.

Paired T-test

A paired t-test can be useful for comparing the means of two related groups to determine if there is a statistically significant difference between them.
This can be particularly helpful for assessing the effectiveness of an educational intervention or teaching method.

Anova Test

The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test can be particularly useful for groups of schools interested in comparing the effectiveness of different teaching methods, curricula, or interventions across multiple settings.
ANOVA allows for the comparison of the means of more than two groups to determine if there are statistically significant differences among them.

Summary Statistics

Summary statistics, such as mean, median, mode, range, and standard deviation, offer a quick and straightforward way for educators to understand the general trends and variations within a dataset, such as student test scores or attendance rates.
These simple yet powerful statistical tools offer educators a lens through which to view, interpret, and act upon educational data.

Predicted Grades

By employing statistical tests to assess the closeness of predicted to actual grades, educators can improve the fairness and effectiveness of their educational strategies.
Accurate grade predictions are essential for effective planning, ensuring fairness, maintaining accountability, fostering student motivation, and optimising resource allocation.

Survey Analysis

Allow us to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the survey results you've gathered.
By delving into the data, we aim to extract valuable insights that can inform decision-making processes, identify areas for improvement, and highlight aspects that are working well within your educational setting.

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